I saw a UFO in Costa Rica!

A compilation of mystical flying objects in the land of pura vida.

Emily Shell Gamage
25 min readJan 16, 2024
A collage of Costa Rican UFOs

​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​I saw my first undeniable UFO on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica about 8 years ago, on Black Friday of 2016. It was a dark triangle, it covered huge sections of the starry, moonless sky and moved miles across the horizon in a matter of seconds while spinning on its axis like a pinwheel. It was utterly silent, and by far the most massive and graceful thing I’ve ever seen in the sky. It dwarfed the huge tankers on the horizon making their nighttime departures to the open sea, the crews of which must have had an amazing view of whatever it was — had they been lucky enough to be looking up at that instant.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​The triangle had what looked like porthole windows or back-lit circular white lights and some smaller red and white flashing lights. It bounced back and fourth on either end of the visible horizon before seeming to disappear right into the ocean with no disturbance of water. As the triangle danced, I watched the global energy crisis, solved, before my eyes — this thing definitely didn’t run on gas (it left no trace of exhaust), and it had ultimate freedom of movement. It was my immediate impression that whatever power source the craft was using to move could have world-saving implications, ending extractive, war-mongering energy systems. As young as I was, I somehow knew that this awesome moment, lasting only a few seconds, would become a touchstone experience for the rest of my life.

Graphic including photos of a DIY model of Triangle UFO Karl gave me, I painted it the colors I saw that night!

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​A great friend of mine and my travel partner on that trip, Marissa, was standing right next to me, and she also witnessed it. When it happened, we were standing thigh deep in the warm ocean at the town beach in Montezuma Costa Rica, facing the sea (to the east), just wading around after setting up our camp near the sea turtle rescue where we intended to volunteer. We immediately broke into awe when we saw the triangle burst out from behind the worn ridge leading out of town.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​We were shouting and pointing, wide eyed. Our drunken travel companion was sitting facing the beach in the tropical water right in front of us, he didn’t even have time to spin around to look at the horizon before it had vanished (we were stone sober by the way, and didn’t partake in the alarmingly heavy and recently discovered drinking habits of our travel companion). Marissa and I strolled back to the campsite with our drunken friend lagging behind, legs still dripping warm salt water onto the dirt road as we chattered with excitement, relishing the details.

The campsite we had just finished setting up when we saw our UFO (just a few blocks away). (Marissa’s Photo)

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Later that week, we made friends with some locals in town, and it didn’t take us long to mention what we saw. The ticos (local Costa Ricans) weren’t surprised at all. They told us that sightings of UFOs (Ooh-fohs- as they pronounce the English acronym in Central America — the Spanish acronym is OVNI) were commonplace in their town and the surrounding Nicoya Peninsula. The ticos nodded at our triangle sighting knowingly, saying that they see those, shape shifting spheres that seem to merge together and apart, and small metallic orbs on a regular basis, day and night. The spheres were most common though. Many times, they are seen hovering over the ocean in the distance during sunset surf sessions as they merge and separate, sometimes varying colors as they dance.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​I ended up having a little romantic fling with one of the ticos we met, Esteban* (name changed*) and he told me that he thought the consistent UFO sightings around town helped give this land its “mystical” presence, attracting artists, musicians, and hippies from all over the world. He showed us a huge indigenous stove cut out of a boulder on one of the most gorgeous “mystic” beaches around, and alluded to the idea that maybe the ancient people who made it knew something about the UFOs. He also told me that one evening, when he was flying back into San Jose (CR’s capital) after a long time abroad in Europe, he saw a few of the multicolored orbs flying outside his plane window where the plane turned in at the coast before landing. They disappeared from view as his plane crept inland at a snails pace (relative to the spheres). He took it as a welcome home!

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Esteban was fascinated by the ongoing phenomenon in night sky of his town, and by the mechanics of the universe in general. He spent many hours watching the old-school Cosmos hosted by Carl Sagan, which we discussed at length while we sat on sarongs laid on cool beach sand, monitoring the late-night sky for more UFOs and listening to the crash of surf. Despite the fact that we spent the last few weeks of our trip up all night watching baby turtles or hanging out with our new friends (always with one eye trained upwards) we didn’t see anything else unusual in the sky on that trip. I had always been interested in UFOs before that triangle whirled through my life, but that sighting confirmed some deep inkling within that continues to insist upon a richer and more mystical truth than citizens of our society have been conditioned to believe in.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​A couple years later, I was back stateside, sitting in an Italian restaurant famous for its oversized portions with my Mom and her boyfriend (now husband), Karl. Karl has always been the person I talk to most about UFOs, and we had a healthy ongoing dialogue on the subject by this point. Despite that context, I still had not brought up my Montezuma sighting to him. When something so extraordinary and completely outside the realm of accepted reality occurs, sometimes the brain has a way of sweeping it under the rug of mundane daily experience. Another reason I never brought it up to him was because it didn’t quite fit in with what I knew about UFOs. Till that point, I had never heard of a triangle shaped UFO (what a rookie). I was also convinced that the craft actually went underwater without a ripple when it disappeared, which just seemed too unbelievable to me, even within the phenomenal nature of the UFO subject.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​The topic came up naturally over dinner, we were talking about UFOs and their implications when Karl brought up USOs (Unidentified Submersible Objects) that were sometimes sighted by the Navy and other ships at sea. I had a dropping feeling in my guts at that, and the triangle dove underwater in my minds eye again as I somewhat guiltily divulged my CR sighting with Marissa. Karl was totally enthralled and completely believed me. He told me that lots of people see triangle crafts, there are all sorts of crazy theories about them, and that some people in the UFO scene call them “TR-3Bs,” believing them to be part some sort of some secret government/high society reverse-engineering program. I immediately felt really stupid for waiting so long to bring it up!

Screenshot of the UFO Stalker Map of Costa Rica. The Black Traingle on the tip of the Nicoya Penninsula represents my Montezuma sighting with Marissa. Source to UFO Stalker Map.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Shortly after that conversation I recorded my sighting on the MUFON live UFO map and then started searching the rest of Costa Rica for similar sightings online. Right off the bat I found a photo that is continually dubbed as one of the most compelling and verifiable images of a UFO ever taken. In the photo it appears that a saucer-shaped UFO is flying out of a lake near Costa Rica’s (now incredibly popular) Arenal Volcano.

Arenal Volcano UFOs:

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​The Lake Cote UFO photo was taken on September 4th, 1971 with a timestamp of 8:25AM from a plane that was taking aerial photos of the local geography for a proposed hydroelectric dam (that would later turn the relatively small Lake Cote into the much larger Lake Arenal). In 1971, this meant having a 100lb camera rigged to the bottom of the plane taking photos at regular intervals of about 13 seconds. The UFO was only detected after the photos were developed, and only in this one frame — indicating that it maneuvered very quickly out of the range of the camera’s view. None of the geographers or the photographer on the plane saw the craft.

Can you find the Saucer emerging from the lake? (Full original image)
Zoomed in image of famous Lake Cote UFO: Source

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Since this photo was taken as a part of an official land survey with the Costa Rican Government, and had physical negatives that could be examined by experts- it has been verified as authentic, and not a trick of light. The saucer has been estimated at around 160ft in diameter by photo experts. The photo took about 9 years to be viewed by the wider public, as the Costa Rican Electricity Institute who ran the project forbade the geographers from publicly discussing the UFO until it received external verification in 1979 by the (then-active) US organization Ground Saucer Watch (GSW) (Anders, Costa Rica Star News).

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​I was astounded that the first and most obvious UFO report I found in Costa Rica was also a USO! And at that, it seemed to be entering or leaving the water incredibly quickly, yet with no disturbance, just like I had seen on Montezuma Beach. I later learned that this lack of water disturbance is a common aspect of USO sightings all over the world.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​There are so many modern sightings of UFOs coming out of Costa Rica, it would be impossible to give each one appropriate attention in a compilation-style piece. Honestly, while brushing up on research for this paper, I found myself perusing Costa Rican UFO videos I had never seen for hours. I joined 3 Facebook pages that monitor Costa Rican/Central American UFOs (my favorite is OVNIS Costa Rica, if you want to check it out), and I have more interesting material than I know what to do with. The sheer volume of evidence and experiences coming from this one little country is incredible! I’m going to focus on a few of my favorite classics and give some attention to some lesser known photos, videos, and experiences I’ve collected over the years from my visits and research. At the end of the article I’m going to link some more photos and videos from Costa Rica that I didn’t have the time to get into but are widely circulated in online UFO forums and provide more context (and more fun) if you feel like going down the rabbit hole!

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​While we’re still in Arenal, I have to share some more fantastic sightings of UFOs that took place here. Volcanoes have been long-speculated hiding spots for UFOs all over the world. There are tons of videos out there of UFOs flying in and around volcanoes, and Arenal is no exception. Arenal Volcano was one of the most active volcanoes in the world from 1967- 2010, and many of the more popular and verified sightings in that area occurred within that time frame. Since then, another Costa Rican volcano, Turrialba Volcano, has increased activity, and the UFO sightings there have surged. Many UFOs have been captured in screenshots from OVISICORI (Volcanic and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica) webcams that monitor Costa’s Volcanoes. The OVISICORI photos are a rabbit hole in themselves, and I’ll link their webcams and some cool screenshots of UFOs captured by them at the bottom.

Screenshot from OVSICORI-UNA Arenal Camera (no longer an active camera, presumably due to volcanic dormancy). UFO appears on the right. Link to active Volcano Webcams here.
Presumably the same UFO now hovering in a different place, about 40 minutes later. Another screenshot from the old OVSICORI webcam in Arenal. Link to active Volcano Webcams here.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​One Arenal UFO witness, Nico Pisano, described as an Italian/Argentine transient hippie living in the area at at the time, filmed a very compelling video of a UFO darting around the Arenal Volcano in (what is believed to be) 2005 while the Volcano was still active. Researchers were still trying to track him down in 2008 to provide more context for the video, but the footage was analyzed by prominent optical physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabe, who found it to be authentic. One of the most interesting parts of this sighting is the reflections the UFO leaves behind the clouds as it darts from one side of the Volcano to the other. It’s a quick video and it’s worth watching a few times (on a computer screen rather than a phone screen for full effect). Costa Rican birds and the awestruck reactions of people nearby can be heard in the background.

Watch the Nico Pisano video here.
Nico Pisano Video

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ Watch the Nico Pisano video here.

Marvin Badilla’s Saucer:

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Another classic Costa Rican UFO was witnessed by Marvin Badilla at 3:49 PM on November 22nd, 2007 in Tarbaca Costa Rica, just a few hours from Arenal. Marvin is a carpenter, and he was working outdoors shaping a table when he heard a strange buzzing noise and looked up to see a saucer-shaped craft hovering less than 100 meters away from him. He said it was “giving him time to film it,” so he took out his Motorola Razr V3 phone (remember those?) and started rolling, yelling to his partner William Rivera while he watched the object.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​William was operating a loud drill at the time and couldn’t hear Marvin, and as soon as Marvin looked away in William’s direction, the craft turned on its axis and sped off. Marvin said that the saucer was about the size of the wheel of a tractor. He was shaken after the encounter, and provided the phone he used to film the saucer to the press for further verification. The sighting took place in Acosta Costa Rica, not far from the capital San Jose. Despite being grainy phone footage, this is a very compelling video by a witness who is highly unlikely to be hoaxing.

View source video of Marvin Badilla’s Flying Saucer Sighting here
The video as seen on Marvin’s actual phone screen during an interview after the incident. Expanded video including interview here.
Marvin Badilla Source Video

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​View source video of Marvin Badilla’s flying saucer sighting here. Expanded interview here.

Metallic/Luminous Orbs:

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​The next video I want to highlight reminds me of what Esteban saw on his flight home. It was taken by a pilot with more than 500 flight hours on January 23rd, 2013 while flying over Costa Rica. His name is Jose Daniel Araya. The strangest part of this sighting is that Jose did not notice the UFO until he looked through his phone’s camera as he was recording. When he looked with his naked eye through the window at the same moment, he saw nothing. He says that the video is not of any plane he knows and that the object is traveling several times faster than the plane he was on, he describes the craft as very “abnormal”. ​​​The craft has been estimated by experts to have a length between 7 and 10 meters and it could have been going about 3600 kilometers per hour, about 7 times faster than the plane in which Jose was traveling. **I would like to add that this video could very well be an example of lens flare — I’m leaving it in the article for continuity purposes and because I’m no expert on camera semantics (and this was big news when this video came out), but the way the orb travels is indicative of the sun’s reflection moving across the lens of the camera as the plane moves- this is the only video that has been consistently called into serious question since I published this article- thank you Reddit for bringing this to my attention.**

View UFO video and interview of Pilot Jose Daniel Araya here
Pilot Jose Daniel Araya’s UFO

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​View the UFO video and interview of Pilot Jose Daniel Araya here

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​It seems these small metallic orb shapes are some of the most common UFOs sighted in Costa Rica. I’ve included a picture here that I found years ago on the MUFON UFOStalker map, the original entry attached to the photo seems to have been taken down or lost somehow. I even tried uploading the photo to google to try to find it, and all that came up was the Reddit post I had made referencing it a few years back. I wish I had saved the original text in a screenshot as well, but from what I could understand at the time through my deplorable Spanish, this photo was taken from a ferry somewhere in northern or central CR and they didn’t notice the weird metallic orb on the left until after they took it.

From the MUFON Map in Costa Rica, downloaded by me years ago

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​The orb in that photo is incredibly similar to the description of one I was told about by a friend of a Zuma Tours guide, a popular tour company in Montezuma. In this incident, the orb followed a snorkeling tour boat for miles on the way back from an excursion, sometimes following as close as 25 feet behind. It was initially noticed by a crew member off the stern. Being from the area and used to witnessing these kinds of phenomena, the small crew feared that the tourists would all freak out at the craft, so they did the best they could to keep everyone facing forward as to not notice it — easy enough in such a gorgeous area brimming with dolphins, tropical birds, and coastal waterfalls. And no gringos did notice, since the thing was silent and relatively small. It took off just before the boat returned to town.

The orb from the previous photo, zoomed in and sharpened a bit. Imagine this thing following your boat!

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​An ex sea turtle naturalist from Tortuguero on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica (acquaintances with the Zuma Tours guide) told me this story. His name was *Larry (name changed), and he moved to Montezuma with his telescope to watch UFOs after also witnessing them on his first trip there. Despite his passion for turtle conservation, and science in general, sciatica in his hip was preventing him from transporting the heavy turtle nests down the beach anymore. Then his best friend was murdered by a poacher, leading his mother to beg him to quit. When I met him about 6 years ago on my third trip to CR, he was out nearly every clear night with his telescope, surviving on money he got from selling his wooden sculptures to hippies in town. He had seen triangles and spheres just as others had described with his naked eyes and through his telescope. Here are some interesting details he outlined to me, summarizing his observations over the years:

Larry’s Observations:

  • The glowing orbs or spheres that had been described by many locals did not actually “merge” into one — even when they seemed to with the naked eye. The telescope reveals that the orbs would actually just get very, very close together and “lock” side by side, creating the illusion that they had merged.
  • The black triangles sometimes displayed intricate designs on their undersides. These designs or symbols would move and light up and were often illuminated in red. These designs were only visible through the telescope.
  • Weirdest one, when being viewed, especially through the telescope, Larry said he would often get the sense that the whatever he was witnessing knew he was watching. The pattern of movement would change curiously once he locked something into view. Sometimes, it seemed like some of the objects were even slowing down, trying to give him a better look (reminiscent of what Marvin Badilla said about the saucer he saw, that it was “giving him time” to film it). He even went as far as to mention that certain sightings gave him a very bad feeling, and some gave him a very good feeling.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​While Larry is very smart and science-minded, he had no cell phone and no way of accessing the internet at the time (not so uncommon in that part of CR, especially years ago). Being Afro-costa rican (a black Costa Rican) he had to deal with a lot of prejudice from other ticos, (something I wasn’t aware of the scope of until much later). Many people in town had no idea about his intense past service as a sea turtle naturalist or of the sharp mind under his sea of dreads (he was also Rastafarian), let alone his fantastic observations of UFOs.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​I will never forget the look in his eyes when I told him that people see the same kinds of crafts in the sky all over the world, exhibiting the same sorts of behaviors. By the time I met Larry, I was no longer the amateur who had never heard of a triangle UFO or a USO, I was in the upswing of a mini UFO obsession and one of my goals on that trip to Montezuma was to gather more information on the phenomenon. I had all kinds of references for Larry, and I watched the gears reeling in his head with this new information, he was totally amazed. He had never seen a UFO before visiting Montezuma, despite spending years as a sea turtle naturalist roaming the beach all night on the Atlantic Coast. He thought Montezuma was just an extra special place (which it is). Knowing that what he saw was connected to a global phenomenon boggled him.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​This article is dedicated to Larry. I have no idea where he lives now, and was never able to link up with him for a serious conversation again after the trip when I was first introduced to him maybe 6 years ago. Unfortunately, post-covid Montezuma is much more packaged and developed for tourists and their instagram photos and has lost a lot of its rustic charm. I haven’t seen Larry on my last 2 visits, and I no longer prioritize visiting that area of Costa Rica due to the rising expense and crowds. I would imagine that it’s much harder for fringe folks like him to get by there now. The next time you meet someone different, someone you’re conditioned to write off, give them an ear. People will never surprise you if you don’t let them.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​I’ve saved the best video for last! My favorite UFO I’ve ever seen filmed, for its sheer beauty, bizarre shape and color shifting abilities, and overall duration of display, was filmed by Chris Clark from his home in Jaco Costa Rica. The amazing thing is that this object was filmed not just once, but multiple times, with the same object even returning years later after a 5 year hiatus. Most of Chris’s youtube videos are surf videos from the nearby Playa Hermosa, but he has an ongoing playlist of UFO videos he’s filmed from his porch. I found his youtube page from an entry he made on the MUFON live map where he posted one of his videos and a description. Jaco is not far from Montezuma, and it was one of the first MUFON entries I viewed after posting my triangle experience. The videos depict one particular UFO, which routinely shifts and bursts into geometric shapes and oscillating colors. Sometimes smaller objects can be seen flying in or out of the main craft, it’s really astounding to watch.

Chris Clark’s Jaco UFO:

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​First, the link to the playlist is here: Chris Clark UFO Playlist

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​The first video is dated February 13th, 2015, and the phenomenon seemed to continue that spring, the last video in the playlist was dated March 26th, 2015. Chris has over 3 hours of cumulative footage of what seems to be the same “craft.” Most of it occurs over a succession of nights in February and March of 2015. But, a few years ago, the UFO came back at the same time of year! I was delighted to find that the he filmed the object behaving the same way again 5 years later on February 17th, 2020! To entice you to look over the videos, I’ve included more screenshots I took from some of the interesting moments from his videos. This collage is a sample of the shape changing properties displayed by the object in his most recent (Feb 2020 video):

From Chris Clark’s most recent sighting of the shape & color shifting light that appears near his house in Jaco. February 2020

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​If pressed for time, out of all of them, I would recommend combing through the sighting on Valentines day (Feb 14th,) 2015, which is the second video in the playlist. This is the second night in a row he has seen the object, as his first sighting was on the 13th. At 39:44, he readjusts his tripod and zooms back in on the object, this is when it seems like there is a smaller object flying around the larger one:

Screenshot A smaller object flying in, out, or around the larger UFO, from Feb 14th 2015

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Then, the smaller object dissipates into the peachy glow of the larger object. Immediately after, around the 40 minute mark, the object starts to change shape and gets brighter, it starts emitting all kinds of vibrant colors. Then it seems to start to rip in pieces:

Object begins to brighten and pull apart, from Feb 14th, 2015.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​At around 41:40 the object’s colors begin to fade as it turns into 4 distinct geometric shapes, not even resembling the object in its original (roughly circular) form:

Object splits into what appears to be 4 geometric panels, from Feb 14th, 2015.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Here are some more screenshots from various videos in his UFO playlist to give you an idea of the scope of colors and shapes this object can take on:

Object appears as bright purple light, from March 2nd, 2015.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Object forms narrow “noodles” from geometric panels:

“Noodles” form from geometric panels, also from Feb 14th, 2015.
Chris’s Feb 14th, 2015 sighting

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​This is only a fraction of the action, if shape and color shifting UFOs interest you, its worth combing through all the Chis Clark videos, and especially the Feb 14th one, as there are different geometric patterns that the object takes at different points in the videos, and it’s really amazing to watch all the different forms and colors it can take on. It shifts from an hourglass shape, to a trapezoid, to a disjointed triangle and cylinder (that look like abstract art), to the seemingly separate geometric panels you see above. The audio behind videos like this is always priceless. You can hear the varied insect and amphibian sounds of a Costa Rican evening, sometimes there is latin music playing, sometimes an unseen dog (potentially named Max) jingles a bit too close to the camera, and sometimes you hear Chris urgently call for “Rachel,” when something cool happens — rising excitement in his voice.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​There is a phenomenon that makes people stand on their porches, peering into the dark unknown for hours, a phenomenon that brings out our ultimately curious nature — that makes us more human by virtue of existing, and flies in the face of every foundational truth. UFOs are here, like it or not. In the recent past, UFOs have become more popular on mainstream news, with lots of new declassified videos from world governments and “whistle-blowers” emerging from all kinds of nooks and crannies. It seems like there are many parties vying for different versions of the UFO story, whether they are trying to undermine the phenomenon entirely or convince the public of deep government involvement or oversight.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​My casual advice to anyone interested in UFOS is to bring a 500lb bag of salt with them while listening to any UFO-related testimony from the government, big industry, or it’s players (current or “former”). Nations will always put the interest of sustaining the image of their power first, before telling the truth. If UFOs are a threat to that image of ultimate power and order upon which nations base their authority — there lies the motivation to withhold the truth from the public. As you go forward into this weird quagmire of conspiracy and mysticism, always wonder what someone (or the institution behind them) has to gain from telling their story or speculations, and make sure you factor it into the reality you ultimately accept.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​For instance, what do I hope to gain here from telling you my stories, and sharing the stories of others? Well, I’m just a wayward surfer/writer who’s developed a penchant for the unknown and some hunches about UFOs. I have nothing to gain but more information and discussion on my favorite subject. The hope is that by continuing to share my experiences, more people will want to discuss the philosophical weight and world-changing capabilities of UFOs.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​I hope that after reading this, you’ll look at the night sky a little differently. And I implore you to leave the trapdoor of your accepted reality cracked open, lest some wild lights decide to pirouette through your horizon someday and challenge the foundations of your understanding. I hope that my account and the accounts of others cast luminous beams through the dullness and mundanity of your waking existence, stoking your sense of mystery and awe. Remembering that enigma, the phenomenon that hovers above and below, hidden just under the surface, as invisible and as real as the daytime stars.


Entrance to “The Rabbit Hole” of Costa Rican UFOs:

Enjoy perusing these additional sightings!

Ostional Beach UFO:

​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​For those of you who made it to the end, enjoy this very intriguing (and fun) antique photo from Ostional Beach, a place usually known for its Arribadas (massive lunar sea turtle nesting events). German Serrano says he photographed this UFO in 1976 around 10AM (notice the smaller orb flying behind the larger saucer). Serrano is quoted saying, “We got into some bushes and I took the opportunity to take the photograph that I am showing you, after 35 years I have decided to share it with everyone.” He said the craft was moving about 25 km per hour, bordering the beach.

​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​Serrano was working at the time, taking photos for the Costa Rican Geographic Institute, which is why he had the high quality camera with him to take this shot. The photo was finally published in La Nacion on July 3rd, 2011. To my knowledge, this photo has not been examined by experts, and has little context other than what I’ve provided here, so I decided to add it as a footnote instead of omitting it completely, especially due to the resonance it has with other more verifiable images.

German Serrano’s flying Saucer, as published in La Nacion, link to their facebook post about the object here.

Turriabla Volcano UFOs:

A UFO caught on the Turrialba webcam on Feb 22nd, 2010 at 7:21AM, links to follow.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​As I mentioned earlier, there have been plenty of sightings since the Turriabla Volcano became more active! Check out these links to screenshots from the Volcano webcams and one slowed-down video of the Volcano landscape. One method for capturing extremely fast moving UFOs on camera is to slow down the replay after filming the landscape (the slower playback speed reveals darting orbs in this case). This method has been used a lot around volcanoes.

OVISCORI Turrialba Screenshots

Click here for photostream of OVISCORI webcam screenshots- posted by Facebook page Omega Ovnis Ufos.

Slowed down Video reveals Orbs at Turrialba

Cuidad Colon UFOs:

Weirdly-shaped flying object, described as a “Manta Ray” over Cuidad Colon, links to follow.

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​A few interesting photos have come out of Cuidad Colon (not far from San José) in the past 9 years or so. While the context for these photos is a bit lacking, they’re very interesting nonetheless. Here they are!

“Tentacle” UFO in Cuidad Colon

San José UFOS:

Photo from Costa Rican Police Report about a UFO sighted from Jan 17th-21st, 1980

​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​​​The capitol city of Costa Rica has plenty of its own reports of UFOs, especially on the Costa Rican UFO pages. Here’s an old one and a good example of a newer sighting!

Andrea Vargas “phone jamming” UFO


Works Cited:

“Entity with Tentacles and Changing Shape Caught on Camera over Ciudad Colón, Costa Rica.” YouTube, UFO Mania, 29 Dec. 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_2Xt6yYX6E. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.

“Fotografía Histórica-Ovni En Ostional,Costa Rica.” Enigma-Tico.Com, enigma-tico.com/fenomeno-ovni/reportes-de-pensa-ovni-costa-rica-y-el-mundo/667-fotografia-historica-ovni-en-ostional. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.

“Incredible UFO Filmed by Commercial Pilot 2013 1080p HD.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 Jan. 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQSJnrKMC7A. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.

“Ovni Volcán Turrialba — Volcano UFO 4.” Flickr, Omega OVNI UFOs (facebook page), 16 Mar. 2011, www.flickr.com/photos/58038010@N04/5531843858/in/photostream/.

“UFO Stalker Map.” Live MUFON Map. Mutual UFO Network, https://ufostalker.com/?mufon=true. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.

Anders, Wendy. “Best UFO Photo in the World Taken at Arenal, Costa Rica 45 Yrs Ago.” Costa Rica Star News, 8 June 2018, news.co.cr/best-ufo-photo-in-the-world-taken-at-arenal-costa-rica-45-yrs-ago/50584/.

Badilla, Marvin, director. OVNI Tarbaca Costa Rica UFO. YouTube, YouTube, 26 June 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5B7fYlAijY. Accessed 14 Jan. 2024.

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Emily Shell Gamage
Emily Shell Gamage

Written by Emily Shell Gamage

Freshly salted and searching for traces of the future.

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